World Beach Games 2023 GDPR

ANOC’s Privacy Policy
ANOC’s Privacy Policy and this Data Protection Notice define the terms and conditions applicable to the
processing of any personal information required to this effect, and constitutes an agreement between you, your responsible organisation and ANOC governing your access to and use of the Registration System.

Processing of Applicant Personal Information for the event

Purpose of asking for your and your guests’ personal data and what you may request of ANOC
The Association of National Olympic Committees (ANOC) requires some of your and your guests’ (see “Guests” section below) personal information to register you for our Event for which you are seeking registration. We have kept the quantity of data we ask to the minimum required to provide you with the services you are registering for. All personal data will be deleted 90 days after the Event upon your request. You may request a copy of your and your guests’ data and the rectification or deletion of any incorrect data at any time. You may request that the processing of your and your guests’ data by ANOC be stopped and/or that your data not be disclosed to third parties. If you request that ANOC stop processing your data, this may prevent ANOC from registering you for the Event. All references to “your data” refer to your own data and the data of your guests that you have provided.

Personal information we store
Information collected through the Registration System includes: Title, given name, family name, gender, email address, assistant email address, photo, organization/company, group, position/function, identity document copy and details (nationality, number, date of issuance, expiry date), date of birth, phone number, food intolerances & allergies, flight and other means of transport information, accommodation location and type, guests (and all the listed information for each guest) and, where applicable, information necessary to apply for a visa.

Sharing information with third parties and international transfer
Where necessary for the purposes of providing you with the services you are registering for, ANOC is authorized to share your and your guests’ personal information with the following recipients:

• Travel service providers
• Accommodation service providers
• Local Organising Committees

Personal information collected through the Registration System will usually be processed in the European Union or in Switzerland. However, some of the recipients mentioned above may be based in the country where the Event is taking place or in other countries. Some countries do not provide in their laws for a level of protection of your and your guests’ privacy equivalent to the one applied within the European Union and Switzerland. If necessary, ANOC will take the necessary measures as required by applicable laws.

Capture and use of images
As participants in an Event, you and your guests agree to be filmed, televised, photographed, identified and/or otherwise recorded during the Event, and that your captured or recorded image, together with your names, likenesses, voices, performances and biographical information, may be used, including copied and communicated to the public, in any content, format and through any media or technology whether now existing or created in the future, without payment, for the maximum duration permitted by applicable law and when applicable at least until they are in the public domain, by ANOC and its affiliates or third parties such as broadcasters social media networks, the International Olympic Committee, National Olympic Committees (NOCs), Continental Associations of NOCs, International Sport Federations, Organizing Committees for the ANOC World Beach Games, and third parties authorized by ANOC during and after the Event in relation to the celebration and direct or indirect promotion of the ANOC World Beach Games or ANOC in a commercial or non-commercial manner.

Accessing your and your guests’ personal data
You can access your registration at any time using the direct link in your confirmation email.

Editing your and your guests’ personal data
You can edit your registration at any time using the direct link in your confirmation email.

Removing your and your guests’ personal data
Should you wish all your and your guests’ personal information to be removed, the procedure is the following:

• Contact us using the details at the bottom of this page (We may ask you to prove your identity)
• ANOC will remove all your personal data from our system and from our backups
• Once this is done, the deletion will be confirmed with you by email

ANOC may allow you to register a limited number of guests for an Event, for which some guest’s personal information may be required. Prior to submitting any personal information on behalf of your guests, you are responsible to inform your guests, obtain their authorization to act on their behalf and ensure that they understand the present Terms, especially the conditions applicable to the collection, transfer and processing of their personal information. Please note, that you can only register guests who are under 18 years old or a minor in their country of residence if you are such persons’ parent or legal guardian. By registering a guest who is under 18 years old or a minor in their country of residence, you represent to ANOC that you are their parent or legal guardian.
For any additional information or should you require any assistance, please contact the ANOC Office at:

Address: Chemin des Charmettes 4, 1003 Lausanne, Switzerland
Tel.: +41 21 321 52 60

Processing of Applicant Personal Information for the CRM
Purpose of asking your and your guests’ personal data
The Association of National Olympic Committees (ANOC) also owns a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) platform where we keep information about our contacts. Your and your guests’ personal details are kept in the CRM so that we can invite you and your guests to participate in similar events organized by us. This information is never sold or transferred to any other party. Your personal information is automatically deleted after 24 months of inactivity or upon request from you.

Personal information we store
Information stored includes: Title, given name, family name, gender, email address, assistant email address, photo, organization/company, position/function, identity document details (nationality, number, date of issuance, expiry date), date of birth, preferred language, phone number and history of ANOC events attended.

Accessing your and your guests’ CRM personal data
You can access your and your guests’ CRM personal data at any time using the direct link in your confirmation email and going to the «My Profile» tab.

Editing your and your guests’ personal data
You can edit your and your guests’ CRM personal data at any time using the direct link in your confirmation email and going to the «My Profile» tab.

Right to have your and your guests’ CRM personal data removed
Should you wish all your and your guests’ personal information to be removed, the procedure is the following:

• Contact us using the details at the bottom of this page (we may ask you to prove your identity)
• ANOC will remove all your personal data from our system and from our backups
• Once this is done, the deletion will be confirmed to you by email

For any additional information or should you require any assistance, please contact ANOC Office at:
Address: Chemin des Charmettes 4, 1003 Lausanne, Switzerland
Tel.: +41 21 321 52 60