Dansker går efter floorball-toppost

Formand for Floorball Danmark, Thorbjørn Ovedal, melder sig som kandidat til en toppost i det internationale floorball forbund. Han vil bruge sine erfaringer fra sportens udvikling i Danmark til at bringe sporten videre på globalt plan.
9. jun 2016
Formand for Floorball Danmark, Thorbjørn Ovedal, melder sig som kandidat til en toppost i det internationale floorball forbund. Han vil bruge sine erfaringer fra sportens udvikling i Danmark til at bringe sporten videre på globalt plan.
English translation below

Danske idrætsledere har gennem de senere år haft succes med at blive valgt ind i bestyrelserne for de internationale forbund. Nu har en ny dansk kandidat til en international toppost meldt sig på banen. Det drejer sig om 32-årige Thorbjørn Ovedal, der til daglig er formand for Floorball Danmark, som kandiderer til en plads i bestyrelsen for det internationale floorball forbund – et valg der finder sted den 10. december i Riga.

Hvis han bliver valgt ind, så vil han i sit internationale arbejde bidrage med blandt andet de erfaringer, han har gjort sig via arbejdet med Vision 25/50/75. Den går ud på at 75 procent af danskerne skal være idrætsaktive i 2025 – heraf 50 procent i en idrætsforening. Floorball-sporten er som officiel visionsidræt en af hjørnestenene i det arbejde.

”Visionsarbejdet handler om samarbejde på tværs. Her udnytter vi det bedste fra flere organisationer, og den filosofi vil jeg også forfølge som internationalt bestyrelsesmedlem,” siger Thorbjørn Ovedal.

Han mener, at der er et uudnyttet potentiale, som kan blive udnyttet, hvis de forskellige lande lærer af hinanden.

”Det er ikke sådan, at vi skal kopiere hinanden fra A til Z, men vi skal lære af hinanden og dele vores gode idéer og erfaringer. Hvordan får vi gjort dommerne endnu bedre? Hvordan udvikler vi bedre tilbud til motionisterne? Når vi sammen hjælper hinanden med at finde svar på disse spørgsmål, så vil det være til gavn for floorballsporten,”.

Han sidder med i en samarbejdsgruppe sammen med repræsentanter fra Norge, Letland, Polen, Slovakiet og Tyskland. Her bliver der udvekslet en masse information, som vil kunne bruges af andre lande. Hvis han bliver valgt ind, vil han arbejde for at udvide den måde at arbejde på.

”Vi seks lande ligger under Sverige, Finland, Schweiz og Tjekkiet, som er de største floorball-nationer. Jeg vil gerne medvirke til, at en række lande, som ligger under os seks, bliver løftet op på vores niveau”.

”Det internationale forbund kører et projekt, der hedder ’each one teach one’, som handler om erfaringsudveksling. Jeg vil gerne være med til at udvide det begreb og gøre det til en rød tråd for, hvordan vi arbejder internationalt med sporten. Så tror jeg, der vil ligge rigtig mange sejre og vente på floorballsporten”.


Dane announces candidacy for Floorball top position

Thorbjørn Ovedal, President of Floorball Denmark, has announced his candidacy for a top position in the International Floorball Federation. He wish to use the experiences gained in developing Danish floorball, to develop the sport even further globally. 

Danish sport leaders have throughout the last couple of years, been successful in getting elected to high ranking position in international sport. Now a new Danish candidate is putting his name forward for an international top position. This time, 32-year-old Thorbjørn Ovedal, President of Floorball Denmark, has announced his candidacy to the Central Board in the International Floorball Federation – an election that will take place on December 10th in Riga, Latvia.

Should he be elected, Thorbjørn will use his international role to share the experiences he gained, working with the Danish National Olympic Committee on its vision 25/50/75. A vision which aims to get 75 percent of the Danish population engaging in sport and physical activity by 2025 – and 50 percent of the population to become a members of a sport club. Floorball is, as one of the so-called vision-sports, a cornerstone in achieving this.

“Vision 25/50/75 is all about partnerships across the national federations. We take what is best from each sport, and this is the philosophy I wish to pursue as a member of the Central Board” Thorbjørn says.

Thorbjørn is certain, that a huge untapped potential exists in Floorball, which could be released if different countries work together and learn from each other.

“It is not a matter of copying each other, but to get inspired by successes and learn from experiences. How have we improved refereeing? How do we develop offers aim at recreational users? If we inspire and support each other to come up with answers to these questions, then it will be of benefit for the entire Floorball family.”

Thorbjørn, with representative from Norway, Latvia, Poland, Slovakia and Germany, is part of an informal partnership group. In this group lots of information has been exchanged, which could be of use to several other countries. If Thorbjørn is elected, then he aims to expand this approach.

“Denmark and the five other countries form a sort of second tier, after much large floorball nations such as Sweden, Finland, Switzerland and the Czech Republic. I would like to use my influence, to grown this second tier and see more countries being able to compete at this level.”

“The International Floorball Federation have initiated a project called “each one teach one”, it is all about exchanging experiences. I would like to be part of an expansion of this approach and make it the common thread, going through everything we do in international floorball. And I believe that such an approach would be a victory for the entire floorball family.”